Archive for October, 2009

Nov. 7- Marshall Reese, Chris Mason, John Mason & Noah Davies-Mason

Posted in Uncategorized on October 25, 2009 by M. Ball


Marshall Reese is a video, media artist and poet, and works in collaboration with a number of other artists. As a member of the team Ligorano/Reese, Nora Ligorano and he have collaborated for almost 20 years on installations, videotapes, artists books and limited editions. Their work examines contemporary trends in society and the media through the manipulation of images and sound from print, television, internet, and radio. As Risarano, the limited edition series “The Pure Products of America” investigates the relation of marketing and politics.
They are currently residents at Eyebeam, an art and technology center in New York City.
They have also exhibited at the Cleveland Museum of Art, MIT MediaLab, Museum of Arts & Design, the Neuberger Museum of Art, Lincoln Center among others. They have received fellowships and funding from the Jerome Foundation, NYFA, NYSCA, the NEA and Art Matters. Marshall Reese is the author of two books of poetry, and has edited several publications and magazines.

Chris Mason is a poet who has lived in Baltimore
since 1970. He is a member of The Tinklers and
the Old Songs archaic Greek poetry band. His
latest books are “Hiccups” and “Airs of Air”.

John Mason’s poems have appeared in the chapbook “Fade to Prompt,” from Tuumba Press, the anthology “In the American Tree,” and such magazines as Hills, Famous, Truck, the Little Magazine, tongue to boot, Chain, OOVRAH, Nadine, Luna Tack and nadir. He was born in Minneapolis and now lives in Austerlitz, NY with his partner of 37 years, Susan Davies, and from time to time their three grown children, Bronwyn, Kari and Noah.

Noah Davies-Mason is his father’s son. He sits down to eat, sleeps with his clothes on and loves to present himself as a certain something. For instance, he attends St. John’s College in Annapolis and toys with the idea of becoming something other than what he is. The world is big, he has thought, and must be up to some good. By presuming in this manner, has he in fact backed himself into a corner? But if the corner is there, all is well, the fear may subside.

Oct. 23- Catherine Wagner, Ric Royer, Marc Nasdor- Friday, 8pm-

Posted in Uncategorized on October 11, 2009 by M. Ball






Catherine Wagner was born in Burma and grew up in Baltimore. Her books are My New Job (Fence 2009), Macular Hole (Fence 2004), and Miss America (Fence 2001); recent chapbooks include Articulate How (Big Game/Dusie Kollectiv, 2008), Bornt (Dusie, 2008), and Hole in the Ground (Slack Buddha, 2007). She teaches at Miami University in Ohio where she lives car-free with her six-year-old son Ambrose.


Ric Royer is a writer of performances and performer of writings. Recently, one of his friends (same age) had something wrong with his kidneys, and another (again, same age) a problem with his heart. Ric is worried that this might be the beginning of the endless falling apart that happens to people and their peers. He is not quite sure he is strong enough to handle it yet, he could certainly use more time to prepare for what some call “The Quickening”.
His recent publications, The Weather Not The Weather (Outside Voices), Time Machine (Slack Buddha) and his recent productions- 50 Greatest Ladies and Gentlemen (Ontological Hysteric Theatre), and Mary Shelley (premiering at The Annex in December), give him something to do in the meantime.


Marc Nasdor grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and has lived in New York City since 1980. His most recent book is Sonnetailia, published by Roof Books (2007). He is currently at work on a series of compacted, one-page long-winded poems called “Insurgentes.” Nasdor’s first book-length poem, Treni in Partenza,was published in Temblor 7. His poems have been published in translation in Hungarian, German and Spanish, and have been performed in France, Germany and Hungary. In the 1980s & ’90s he co-directed the international arts organization Committee for International Poetry. An art and audio consultant, he is also an amateur ethnomusicologist who presents global dance music under the alias DJ Poodlecannon.
